It takes a while to get your head around why some everyday people look stunning in photographs and equally some beautiful people in real life come up very plain in photos. I'm still learning. One of the major factors is strong features. Cheek bones. Jaw line. Eye brows.
People may say 'But surely being skinny is the the only thing photographers look for...' But no. And if that is the case, said photographer may miss out on some amazing work.
Take Kate Moss.
Yes, she is on the leaner side but it's her cheek bones and over all face structure that has made her the favorite for magazines and what major photographers pay big money for. Face to face, Kate is quite normal looking. (I saw her at a party once, but couldn't get near her cause some woman was 'guarding' her. And I was really drunk. And I was wearing Birkenstocks. Oh, the shame!) And if you see her in interviews and shows, she seems very down to earth and relaxed. Throw a camera her way and her features send off this persona of quiet and mysterious beauty.
On the other hand I've seen photoshoots with really sexy people in front of the camera and when the image comes out you realise M&S Foodhall photos inspire you more.
It's a tricky one and can only really be a trial and error process, I believe.
Here is a video of Kate working with James Brown for his product range: